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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cooking Group Getting to Know You

So Bekka always tries to think of questions to ask the girls during our cooking groups. Last night's question: What has been the best date you've been on with your husband?

Megan MacBeth: Mexico cruise (They're going another one in a month or two)

Maryanne Nelson: prom (we weren't husband and wife back then) but prom really got things going in our relationship...the night of our first kiss...any dates that Mike actually asks me out and does most of the planning

Liz Taylor: just a fun dinner where the guys decorated with candles and glow sticks and then we went dancing

Bekka Hansen: recently ice skating and bowling (even though they had Lucy with them)

Erin Murdock: Lake Tahoe...went on a little boat cruise on the lake

My question that I thought of since it is a cooking group: What one food can you eat everyday?

Megan: pulled pork from Cafe Rio with lime rice

Liz: stir-fry

Erin: Hawaiian Haystacks

Maryanne: everyone else said a dinner food, but me Turtle Cheesecake from Johnny Carinos....mmmmm!

1 comment:

White Family said...

MaryAnne, when is the cooking group again? I would like to come but I always forget when it is! Thanks--hope your family is doing well!