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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Getting to Know Some of the Sisters

I had to do this right now, hopefully I remember everything correctly...I know I have everyone's first name, but didn't hear everyone's last name.

Let me know if I gave the wrong info about anyone!

(From left to right)

Charisa VanderSloot (not pictured-missed her in the shot): served mission in Taiwan, expecting a baby girl in December, has 2 year old boy named Ethan, talented singer, met husband in the production of Beauty and the Beast (she was Belle and Trent was the Beast)

Liah McGrath: from Henderson, Nevada, likes to work-out but not her strength, wants to be a P.E. teacher.

Becca Smith with son Michael: expecting another baby boy, graduated December 2007

Stephanie Madsen: Stephen carries all of her things like her gum so she doesn't have to carry a purse, likes to listen to music on her I-Pod, loves looking back at childhood pictures

Emily Perkes: knows sign language because her husband, Trevor, is deaf. Going into Deaf Education, eats chocolate every meal

Erin Murdock: Graduated as a Music major, plays the clarinet, loves star decor

Katherine: married in the Mt. Timpanogas temple, loves reading and children, works with 8 yr. old Down Syndrome boy

(From left to right)

Stephanie Hansen: loves Christmas time, has a year old boy named David, manages at the Ridge, fair-skinned so uses sunblock a lot

Jill Day: 31 weeks pregnant, learning how to sew-can sew things with straight seams, likes Jane Austen

Laura Brown: paints with oils, loves this one store that stars with an A-she looked like the model on the photogenic in my opinion

Lindsay Miller: likes to play soccer and golf (I pretty sure about the golf, but not positive)

Laura White: has a 2 1/2 month daughter named Hannah

(from left to right)

Katie Fuhrman: likes to play basketball and other sports

Heather Brown: makes cute baby girl bracelets, 4 months pregnant,

Bekka Hansen: favorite book-Killers Angels about Gettysburg, met husband when teaching in Snowflake, Arizona and has a yellow bandanna from doing a marathon with Eddie right after they were married.

Tanya: from Mexico and loves Mexican food

Stephanie Cane: vegetarian, recent convert, loves to snowboard just learned last Winter

(Emily Young-had to leave early-so not pictured)

Emily B. has birthday in October, likes the fall, likes to color/draw, and likes the color green.

Sharlene Bitter (you can see part of her pink striped shirt): gives great hugs, 12 weeks pregnant, nicknamed Shar and Sharky from a song she did when younger, from Brigham City-they have Peach(fruit not the color) Day

Elizabeth Ririe (missed her in the picture, sat next to Sharlene): likes small things, likes the book One Bright Shining Hope by President Hinckley, taught English in China

(Not pictured because I couldn't get a good angle from my seat)

Julie Clinger: likes basketball, fishing, has pocket knife with fish guts still on it

Tilby Froelich: husband in the National Guard, loves candy but not Snickers, has a cute hair cut and color

me-Maryanne Nelson: likes to play card games like Spades, Rummy, Hearts as well as other games like Mexican Train, likes to go to parties: birthdays, showers, get-t0-togethers, likes LDS Romance books and Romantic Comedy movies, always looking for a good TV series to rent-has seen and enjoyed Alias, 24, Heroes

I wish I could remember more information, hopefully it will come to me!

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